Report Provides Insight into Dismantlement, Removal, and Restoration (DR&R)
Declining production in Cook Inlet and lack of information about unused platforms and facilities led Cook Inlet RCAC to develop a white paper concerning the Dismantlement, Removal and Restoration (DR&R) of platforms and facilities located within Cook Inlet. The final report, approved by the Board of Directors, includes a map of all facilities and associated pipeline infrastructure and a dossier on each offshore facility in Cook Inlet describing its site topography and geography, age, production status, lease stipulations, ownership history, and DR&R status. Cook Inlet RCAC also summarized relevant Alaska attorney general opinions regarding liability as part of the report.
The project manifested from concerns that no single source of information existed to assist Cook Inlet RCAC and its constituent groups in understanding the complexities of DR&R. The white paper reviewed current state and federal regulations and suggested a course of action and current lease stipulations and regulations to establish jurisdictional authority for DR&R; and identified the permitting process for removal and summary of potential significant impacts of infrastructure dismantlement, removal and restoration. Cook Inlet RCAC is currently in the process of revising this white paper.
CLICK HERE for Part 1 of the report (Pages 1-23, 413 KB)
Part 1 contains the narrative and recommendations found in the report.
CLICK HERE for Part 2 of the report (Pages 24-80, 5.11 MB – large file)
Part 2 contains supporting documents including lease agreements, maps, and specifications