CIRCAC welcomes USCG Capt. Leanne Lusk to new post

A change of command ceremony was held in Anchorage July 15th, where Capt. Sean MacKenzie was relieved by Capt. Leanne Lusk of command of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Anchorage.
According to the USCG, Capt. Lusk was previously assigned as the deputy commander of Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wis. She directed all Coast Guard operations in a four-state area on and around Lake Michigan and the Illinois Waterway. She led nearly 700 Coast Guardsmen on the Sector staff and at 18 boat stations, two Aids to Navigation teams, Marine Safety Unit Chicago, Marine Safety Detachment Sturgeon Bay, and Sector Field Office Grand Haven.
“It’s been a pleasure working with Capt. MacKenzie and we appreciate his dedication and service,” said CIRCAC Executive Director Mike Munger. “We’ve worked hard over the years to build a solid partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard to keep Cook Inlet’s marine environment safe. We look forward to continuing that partnership in the years to come with Capt. Lusk and we welcome her to her new post in Alaska.”
Capt. MacKenzie will transfer to his new post at Africa Command in Germany.
Sector Anchorage is the Coast Guard’s largest sector in terms of geographic area, exercising authority in a jurisdiction extending throughout Western Alaska, the North Slope, the Aleutian Islands, Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet.