Hilcorp to begin pipeline work
Hilcorp will begin work replacing a section of subsea pipeline from the Monopod platform in June. During routine inspections, several locations of concern were identified in the pipeline that runs from the Monopod to Trading Bay Production Facility (TBPF). The project was recently approved by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Divison of Oil and Gas.
Approximately 4,100 feet of 8-inch oil piping will be replaced; that section will be de-inventoried and the entire pipeline will be flushed and cleaned as part of replacement activities before disconnecting the old section, which will be abandoned in place. The work schedule is expected to last approximately 30 days.
There have been no reported leaks from this section and we appreciate Hilcorp’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of its assets in Cook Inlet. To learn more about the status of Cook Inlet’s pipeline network and expert recommendations for maintaining its safety, check out our report.